Lush Review: Walk of Fame Bath Cocktail

A really luscious milky pale lilac bath with sweet cinnamon and floral notes.  Very relaxing indeed!  At first it smelled very lavender but as I mixed all the ingredients together it became quite pleasing to my surprise.  I hope you will get a chance to try this cocktail.  Unfortunately, you may need to find a …

Lush Review: It’s Raining Men Shower Gel

It’s Raining Men Shower Gel’s amazing scent pleasantly resembles that of Honey I Washed the Kids Soap to a tee.  Sweet honey toffee mmm yummy!  I wish it was a part of the permanent collection.  This definitely would have been a re-purchase must for me. Honey Rosehip Lotus Flowers Tiger Lily Infusion Sweet Wild Orange …

Lush Review: Pemberley Bath Cocktail & Gavernie Soap

I named this bath cocktail after Fitzwilliam Darcy’s Pemberley Estate in Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice.  Just saw the 1995 t.v. series very recently starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehrle and loved it!  If you are a fan of lavender products, this bath is perfect for you.  I suggest this turquoisey blue bath cocktail as …

Lush Review: Smurfette’s Bath Cocktail

I had a refreshing and enjoyable bath cocktail today.  Florally sweet and watermelon red.  This bath would have been a favorite of Smurfette… 1 Cinders Bath Ballistic: It does remind me of cinnamon, sweet orange, and apple juice.  Very quick fizz.  I only wish this bath bomb was bigger since bath ballistics normally aren’t cheap.  …

Lush Review: The Baker’s Bath Cocktail

How can I describe this???  I sweet scented peanut buttery bath which turned from a gorgeous teal to a milky tan after I added the Happy Blooming Bath Melt.  I have more Fizzbanger and will probably try it with my leftover half of 1 Fizzbanger Bath Ballistic: Candy sweet, mildly floral. Not sure if it …

Lush Review: Iced Wine Shower Jelly

Okay, seeing that it has been pretty cold out, I decided this wouldn’t be a bad time to re-stock on some Lush favorites and finally try Iced Wine Shower Jelly.  As I suspected, it survived the mail without melting.  I absolutely love the scent of Iced Wine.  It’s reminiscent of spiked sweet cider.  Sooo good!  …