DH and I saw two cardinals in the backyard on Saturday. I had birdseed for them and realized I needed a better bird feeder. I have a feeder especially for the hummingbirds, which I already set up last weekend. Haven’t seen any hummingbirds yet =( *bummer*. I ordered a really cute bird feeder today from …
Dreaming of Spring
It’s been snowing all morning. I miss seeing green even though I love the look of newly fallen snow. I’m planning ahead and would love to get whimsical garden stakes for my little backyard garden. Maybe bird themed? and just the right garden gnome figurine. Any suggestions? Please write me. *Photocredit: Acacia
Decorating & Home Maintenance
Over the years, I’ve looked through many books regarding decorating. I was most interested in ambiance (French country specifically) and how to deal with small spaces. These are my top reads with the last one as my housekeeping tome–> Please drop me a line if you can recommend any others. I’m always on the lookout …
Offshoot of the Urban Outfitters Company, Introducing Terrain
I read that Terrain was geared towards the 40+ client but I like what I see anyway. Wish they had a New York branch. Reminds me a little of Smith & Hawken plus a cafe. Here are some pics of Terrain. Any of you lucky enough to be in the Glen Mills, Pennsylvania area should …