Lush Review: Tang Bath Cocktail

This bath cocktail is a small reward for all the recent organizational milestones reached so far and for the 5 big loads of laundry I did yesterday (quite exhausting).  Very Tang in color and scent (orange, citrusy).  This may seem rather strange, but the woodsiness of this bath also reminded me of pre-lit orange incense.  …

Lush Review: Ceylon Tea Bath Cocktail

A bubbly, frothy melon-colored bath.  This was a belated birthday treat to myself.  I was occupied in a good way with celebrations with family and the completion of a school course.  I didn’t get a chance to enjoy this bath cocktail until yesterday. 1 Luverly Bath Ballistic: A mild floral.  My first guess was chamomile; …

Lush Review: Absolute Delight Bath Cocktail

A welcome break after fulfilling all my daily obligations.  Every once in a while we need to pamper ourselves- a small reward for getting things done, especially the mundane or challenging stuff of life. 1 Absolute Jasmine Bath Bomb: Sweet and mildly floral. Fast fizz like most other bath ballistics. All the elements mixed to …

Lush Review: Night On The Town Prep Bath Cocktail

In stark comparison with the last bath I took, this bath was very pink, very feminine.  A very mild floral with perfect sweetness; a good balance between two different family of scents.  It reminded me of a taffy candy floral.  If mauvy pink had a scent, this would be it.  I almost used 1/3 of …