My Little Pony: 3rd. Generation (1984 to 1985), Rainbow Ponies Earth Ponies: Trickles Confetti✔ Unicorns: Starflower Pinwheel* Pegasi: Tickle* Flutterbye✔ My Little Pony: 3rd. Generation (1984 to 1985), Unicorns & Pegasi Unicorns: Skyflier✔ Sparkler* Powder✔ Gusty* Pegasi: Heart Throb✔ Surprise✔ My Little Pony: 3rd. Generation (1984 to 1985), Earth Ponies Tootsie✔ Lickety-Split✔ Cherries Jubilee✔ Posey✔ …
Rainbow Connection
Thanks to my hubby who helped me with Photoshop.