I’ve been wanting to write about this ever since the last northeaster we had. There were many downed trees and power lines over the span of a short period of time. We had no electricity for a few days and our only light source was from candles. My extended family also live in areas where …
Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals
I was so happy to read that the euthanasia rate of New York City’s homeless animals is at its lowest in history. “The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals in collaboration with their participating rescue groups and shelters, have succeeded in reducing euthanasia from 74% of the approximately 43,000 cats and dogs entering Animal Care & …
Victoria Wells, Animal Precinct Animal Behaviorist
I love the color of Victoria Wells’ purple hair! Apparently she uses a combination of Manic Panic’s® Ultra Violet™, Purple Haze™, and Plum Passion.™ Here’s a link to Animal Precinct–> http://animal.discovery.com/fansites/animalprecinct/animalprecinct.html
A Small Tribute to Seeing Eye Dogs
I was waiting for the bus today and saw a woman with her guide dog. He was a very handsome and intelligent German Shepherd. I watched as he carefully led her across the street. I marveled at the expert training he must have received since he was a puppy and his lifelong dedication to assisting …
Animal Cops & Dog Trainers
I’m so glad that there are animal cops working hard to promote and preserve humane treatment of animals. Over this past weekend I’ve seen some horrible featured stories. I’m also enraged by the selfish pet collectors who are oblivious to the wretched environments they are keeping their pets in. One collector had 250+ cats in …