I’m so glad that there are animal cops working hard to promote and preserve humane treatment of animals. Over this past weekend I’ve seen some horrible featured stories. I’m also enraged by the selfish pet collectors who are oblivious to the wretched environments they are keeping their pets in. One collector had 250+ cats in his house. I almost gagged seeing the layers of excrement and decay… I’m sure the stench was nearly toxic… the furs were filthy. Can you believe that? They really need to seek professional help- it’s a real injustice to their pets and even themselves. I think the collector might have resided in his garage? I seriously believe that collectors should not be aloud to own pets until they are cured of their problem. The abuse and abandonment cases were heart-breaking. One gentle-tempered dog had his right side face, right ear, tail, and paws burned by a flaming stick either by the owner or alleged neighbor. The owner left him outside for two weeks without medical treatment. Most cases involved no food, no water, animals left to fend for themselves in the harsh elements, extreme malnourishment. The list goes on and on! It’s so sad that some animals had to be euthanized because they were found untreatable. These stories really puts things in perspective for me. They allow me to realize that some of my concerns are trivial when compared to these serious societal issues.
On a happier note, I’m also glad that there are great dog trainers like Cesar Millan “The Dog Whisperer” and Victoria Stilwell “It’s Me or The Dog.” Their approach may differ; either way the results are good. I love watching their shows. They are angels to me.