I’m in love!.. again ;)… I saw a gorgeous Faliero Sarti scarf on 11th. Moon’s website because of You Tube’s Chrissstttiiine. It’s a peachy pink, delicate half cotton half silk with floral border best worn as a shrug scarf in my opinion, though there are many other wonderful ways to fashion a scarf. I have …
New Arrival: Leigh & Luca Scarf
I purchased a gorgeous L&L grey cotton silk silver rose fringe scarf via my Bluefly store credit. So amazingly lovely =)! Their scarves never disappoint! Just call me scarf girl; I’m nuts over scarves. Leigh & Luca scarves are some of the best I own because they are really versatile (generous dimensions). The many ways …
Matta NY New Additions
While browsing for a potential birthday present for my MIL, I found these beautiful scarves and sarongs (new additions) at Matta NY. I wish the scarves weren’t so expensive since I adore the pom-fringed Nutmeg Dupatta Tikka. I also love the sarong in Eyur Black. *Photocredit: Matta NY
More Missoni
Gorgeous treasures by Missoni…
Sophie Digard is a Scarf Lover’s Dream
Sophie Digard’s scarves and accessories are gorgeous! They are like art. There are very few places that carry her scarves, bags, and accessories… I don’t know why? For Sophie‘s fans, the stores in New York or online are: Bloomingdales (Soho, NY, not sure if the flagship store on East 59th. Street carries them?) Saks Fifth …