The Cake Collection accessories are especially cute but I wish they weren’t all baby oriented. Some of the prints remind me of LeSportsac (like the Morning in Mumbai). Once I wore a bag into a Manhattan Petco and two guys were behind me talking to each other about “why does she have a diaper bag?” I still use that bag because I love that it has a side pocket for my bottled water. How rude- totally uncool! They should mind their own business. I think there was a little more to the comment though; maybe they were envious that I was carrying a higher-end bag? I don’t really understand people sometimes… I remember once I was shopping in Scoop and there was a girl who purchased over a thousand dollars worth of stuff, was carrying a huge Chanel bag, and being chauffeured by limousine. My only thought was “wow.” Anyway, getting back to the real reason for the post (to share all these lovely photos with you). I guess if one stays quiet, not many people would ever know these are really diaper bags? –>
*Photocredit: Petunia Pickle Bottom