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Lush Review: Karma Bath Cocktail

Another great bath cocktail.  I felt a bit more relaxed since I had the luxury of time on a quiet mid-day/early evening.  This citrusy bath is very sweet; think Trix cereal and Tang powder mix.   Many times I wash my hair in the shower afterwards so I may not get the full benefits of the moisturizing components of the bath.  This time I showered first and thought my skin felt softer.  I can still smell the lovely citrus on me after drying myself. Kids would really like this bath.  Was it karmic, you may ask? =)  Maybe…

1 Cinders Bath Bomb (Limited Edition Ballistic): Sweet floral citrus scent; however, a bit less floral in smell than Karma (sweet being a personal preference).  I’m not sure if I smell the spiciness which other people have noticed.  It reminds me of something from my childhood- sort of like the exterior of Snowballs and Twinkie (golden sponge cake) Hostess Desserts.  Weird ha?  Besides the fizzing, there’s also pop rocks popping =).  Fun to watch it work its little magic.

  • Fizzy candy
  • Gardenia Florida extract
  • Sweet almond oil
  • Orange oil
  • Cinnamomum cassia leaf oil

1/2 Karma Bubble Bar: Sweet floral citrus scent with a little bitterness.  I placed it into a drawstring organza sachet and will probably do this with all my bubble bars from now on.  You really do get more out of the product this way.

  • Patchouli Oil
  • Orange Oil
  • Lavendin Oil
  • Pine Oil
  • Lemongrass Oil
  • Elemi Oil
  • Gardenia Extract

1/2 You’ve Been Mangoed Bath Melt: Very very moisturizing.  Sweet yummy creamsicle scent.

  • Almond Oil
  • Lemongrass Oil
  • Avocado Butter
  • Mango Butter
  • Lemon Oil
  • Lime Oil
  • Paprika Extract

Spice Curls Soap (Exfoliator Bar): Reminds me of a spicy scented burnt orange version of You Snap The Whip and Sandstone.  Like You Snap, it has the potential to dye light colored towels or curtains.  Like Sandstone, it’s definitely abrasive.  I was caught by surprise that it was that exfoliating.  On closer examination, I can see the sandy particles of this bar.  This product was a limited edition Lush product from Fall 2009 (another reason why I was eager to use it).  Not your boring ingredients as you can see below;  that I love!  You may also use any citrus soap of your choice if you can’t find Spice Curls anymore.

  • Coconut oil
  • Paprika
  • Fresh ginger root
  • Clove bud oil
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Ground chilli
  • Ground cayenne pepper

*Photocredit: Lush Cosmetics

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