Inspired by Priscilla Ahn’s (musician) positive review of Rain Living, I’m planning to make a purchase to include a few of their bath bombs and bath salts. It’s been a small decision put off for too long; maybe about a year even :(. Oh my, has time flewn! I recently saw their products at the …
Basin White
Last summer’s trip to Las Vegas had us venturing into the Venetian Grand Canal Shoppes after enjoying a Blue Man Group performance just moments before. I was looking for a Thank You present to gift to mom and chose the three pictured below. My mom thought they were too pretty to use =). Due to …
Lush Review: Tang Bath Cocktail
This bath cocktail is a small reward for all the recent organizational milestones reached so far and for the 5 big loads of laundry I did yesterday (quite exhausting). Very Tang in color and scent (orange, citrusy). This may seem rather strange, but the woodsiness of this bath also reminded me of pre-lit orange incense. …
Lush Review: Ceylon Tea Bath Cocktail
A bubbly, frothy melon-colored bath. This was a belated birthday treat to myself. I was occupied in a good way with celebrations with family and the completion of a school course. I didn’t get a chance to enjoy this bath cocktail until yesterday. 1 Luverly Bath Ballistic: A mild floral. My first guess was chamomile; …
Lush Review: Perennial Garden Bath Cocktail
My Perennial Garden bath cocktail was a sweet white powdery floral citrus blend. A perfect before sleep treat. My mind is always busy with some mundane thought but all I could think of were the pop-pops of the bath bubbles for a change. All I needed was a rubber ducky to sail on by. 1 …
Lush Review: Walk of Fame Bath Cocktail
A really luscious milky pale lilac bath with sweet cinnamon and floral notes. Very relaxing indeed! At first it smelled very lavender but as I mixed all the ingredients together it became quite pleasing to my surprise. I hope you will get a chance to try this cocktail. Unfortunately, you may need to find a …
Lush Review: Pemberley Bath Cocktail & Gavernie Soap
I named this bath cocktail after Fitzwilliam Darcy’s Pemberley Estate in Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice. Just saw the 1995 t.v. series very recently starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehrle and loved it! If you are a fan of lavender products, this bath is perfect for you. I suggest this turquoisey blue bath cocktail as …
Lush Review: Post-Tax Prep Bath Cocktail
This bath cocktail was a welcome rest for a tired mind! A beautiful mauvy pink, sweet scented bath. The flower petals made me feel like I was bathing in a tea infusion =). Here is what you will need to recreate this bath: 1 Calavera Bath Ballistic: Large bath ballistic which is sweet and citrusy …
Lush Review: Glögg Shower Gel
If you want a spicy, perfect for cold Fall days/Winter-type shower gel, than Glögg is for you! OMG I REALLY love it!!! It reminds me of a hot mug of apple cider with a cinnamon stick… Watching t.v., a soft throw blanket over me, with a warm mug of apple cider =)… How can I …
Lush Review: Chox Away Soap
I just started using Lush’s Chox Away soap and love it’s caramelly scent. Like all other Lush products, it’s so moisturizing! Unfortunately I just checked Lush’s website and found that it may be discontinued. That’s too bad =(… You may still be able to find this soap on eBay, Makeup Alley, or elsewhere? As an …