Spa Retreat Toiletries

Basin White

Last summer’s trip to Las Vegas had us venturing into the Venetian Grand Canal Shoppes after enjoying a Blue Man Group performance just moments before.  I was looking for a Thank You present to gift to mom and chose the three pictured below.  My mom thought they were too pretty to use =).  Due to the ingredients and their nature, I would not recommend anyone use Basin White vegetable glycerin soaps to scent their drawers or closets since they are prone to mild melting.

For myself, I purchased the Pink Sugar bath salts, Birthday Cake/Cupcake vegetable glycerin soap, and the Jack-O-Lantern vegetable glycerin soap.  I have yet to use the bath salts but highly recommend the bar soaps because they are moisturizing, smell nice, and will add visual interest to a dull sink area =)!

Basin White, please come to New York!!!

*Photocredit:  Basin White


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