beauty products Lush Reviews Toiletries

Lush Review: Miranda & Summer Pudding Soaps

These two soaps are very similar in scent and appearance (the pic of the Miranda below is a little different from mine in that my soap has contrast colored imbedded chunks as well).  Both bring back memories of lollipops that you would receive at the end of a doctor’s visit when you were a little kid; you know the ones I’m referring to (individually wrapped, the size of a half-dollar, typically green or red or orange) that were offered to you while your tears were drying.  Bad memories of being at the pediatrician won’t stop me from recommending both these lovely soaps, especially if you are a Lushie who adores mild candy scents.  Please note that Summer Pudding is better for exfoliation; it is non-abrasive and not messy to work with but will shred a bit when wet.

Miranda Soap:

  • Rapeseed oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Fresh kiwi fruit
  • Ylang ylang petal oil
  • Myrrh resinoid
  • Juniperberry oil
  • Bergamot oil
  • Gardenia extract

Summer Pudding Soap:

  • Rapeseed oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Ground almonds
  • Glace cherries
  • Almond oil
  • Buchu oil
  • Juniperberry oil
  • Lemon oil
  • Gardenia Extract

*Photocredit: Lush Cosmetics

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