- Sunbeam
- Twilight
- Glory
- Moondancer
- body: pale blue
- hair: white hair with yellow streak
- eyes: blue
- symbol: gold sun
*Photocredit: Flickr bmaebell
- body: pink
- hair: white hair with dark purple streak
- eyes: purple eyes
- symbol: group of purple stars
*Photocredit: Flickr Alyzaria
- body: white
- hair: dark purple hair with blue streak
- eyes: blue
- symbol: a silver & purple shooting star
- *It is rumored that there is a yellow version of Glory, based on the existence of the yellow-bodied Moondancer
*Photocredit: Flickr lauramsanger
- body: white
- hair: dark red hair w/lavender streak
- eyes: deep purple
- symbol: a silver crescent moon surrounded by red stars
- *There was also a yellow-bodied Moondancer who was sold in other countries
*Photocredit: Flickr Alyzaria
- Medley
- Firefly
- body: green
- hair: green
- eyes: blue
- symbol: group of green musical notes
*Photocredit: Flickr Corgipants
- body: pink
- hair: blue
- eyes: vilet, bluish-purple
- symbol: two blue lightning bolts
- *She went on to be the star of the first My Little Pony TV special, which was finally re-released on video in Year 9. Firefly is probably the most famous pony of all.
*Photocredit: Flickr lauramsanger
*Reference: KimSites.net
*Photocredit: Flickr
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