Home & Garden Organization Special Projects

Planning for Spring…

My Success Choice Planner has inspired me to make earlier plans for my Spring garden (perennial and planter).  It’s the perfect activity to enliven the typical idyllness of midwinter and to look forward to yet another exciting growing season!  My favorites are wildflower seed packets, but unfortunately, I have not had much luck with them.  This will not stop me from trying again.  Below are my top picks for gardening needs.  I hope I haven’t inadvertently left someone off my list…

Local nurseries:  Please support small business!

Jackson & Perkins



Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

Charleston Gardens

Renee’s Garden Seeds

The Cottage Gardener

Easy To Grow Bulbs

White Flower Farm

*Photocredit: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, Renee’s Garden Seeds, Jackson & Perkins



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