This year I just couldn’t wait to rush down to our local nursery to buy herbs for my window boxes. It was still quite chilly and windy that day but a few days later, true Spring weather began, to my relief. Herbs are so thirsty for water; they practically should be watered daily and of course they enjoy as much sun as they can soak in! I bought a variety of mints (planned for teas), chives, lavender, parsley, etc. Someone recommended to grow cilantro and arugula from seeds. They are gradually growing but really behind the curve so I’m a little anxious and hope they will turn out okay. Of course I’d rather see them flourish. I’m always so happy at the sight of the first little blooms after winter. My crocuses and hyacinths are always the first ones to return. There’s nothing quite like looking out the window and spotting an exciting new bloom. This year was especially a treat because my lilac plant of five years finally had its very first flower. I’m still waiting for the peonies to bloom. They will eventually… Patience. I know they will.
*Photocredit: NYCupcake