This was a very feminine, calming, and relaxing bath. I purposely scheduled this right before bedtime.
1 All That Jas Bath Ballistic: Sweet mild jasmine scent. Turned the water a tropical teal. So pretty to look at.
- Vetivert Oil
- Candy flowers
- Gardenia Extract
- Jasmine oil
- Vanillin
1 Christmas Eve Bubble Bar: Floral scent. Gorgeous blue sparkles on this bubble bar; I have one more that I really don’t want to use LOL. I’m so surprised that the water didn’t become a pearlescent blue similar to my Sunnyside bath cocktail but not a big deal; I was only an intsy tinsy disappointed. I know this bubble bar was limited edition but you may substitute it with a floral scented bubble bar of your choice and I’m sure it will work just as well. I also wanted to maximize on bubbles so I used the entire bar; I got a little greedy = / but remember that Lush products do eventually expire (we definitely don’t want that to happen, do we?)
- Irish moss powder
- Jasmine absolute
- Ylang ylang oil
- Gardenia extract
- Iridescent glitter
1/2 Floating Island Bath Melt: Mildly sweet floral scent. Made the bath very moisturizing. I mean, what bath melt doesn’t? This one is a slow froth.
- Almond oil
- Sandlewood oil
- Lemon oil
1 Ceridwen’s Cauldron Bath Melt: Very mild floral oat scent (can definitely smell the oats after a short while of soaking). I was a little surprised at how much I liked this; I wasn’t sure at first if I would. Now I have to get more. I think this is especially nourishing for the skin and may be soothing for sun-kissed/post-beach skin. I imagine it’s possible to clean, dry, and re-fill the muslin with more oats and your choice of favorite essential oils. I used CC as a gentle exfoliator so I didn’t choose a bar soap for this bath cocktail.
- Whole oats
- Walnut oil
- Tangerine oil
- Lavender oil
- Sandalwood oil
- Frankincense Resinoid
- Rose absolute
- Elderflowers
- Daisy flowers
- Cowslips
1 Queen of Hearts Complexion Soap (Sample): It’s a great facial soap that’s not too heavy, unlike Baby Face. Sweet and beautifully fragrant rose scent. You will definitely love this facial cleanser if you are a rose scent fan! I almost like this as much as Cetaphil but Cetaphil still stays in first place. QOH is now my #2 loved facial soap next to Fresh Farmacy Cleanser.
- Rapeseed oil
- Coconut oil
- Rose petal infusion
- Sweet almond oil
- Vanilla pod infusion
- Geranium oil
- Rose absolute
- Violet leaf absolute
*Photocredit: Lush Cosmetics