
In Search of Pretty Paper Products…

I’m always on the hunt for pretty stationery, though I really should write more notes to adequately justify my shopping habits.  I’ve accumulated a ton of stationery over the years, which includes being gifted boxes of them during Christmas stocking stuffer exchange (which reminds me, I owe someone a letter and I’m ashamed to say I’ve been letting it slide for weeks now).  I adore the cutesy ones.  If you’d like to stock up, here are some of my favorites mentioned below.  I love Galison’s gorgeous file folders; a great alternative to the usual manila ones if you want to dress up your filing system (makes even more sense if you have tabletop file holders).

*Oopsy, apparently I had written on this topic quite some time ago and overlooked this.  Please also view File in Style.

*Photocredit: MeriMeri & Galison


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